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Writer's pictureTammy McKenzie

3 Common Mistakes Businesses Make in Their CX Strategy and How to Overcome Them

Companies from all industries are placing emphasis on customer experience for a

good reason. A survey conducted by Qualtrics XM Institute in May 2021 found that a

staggering 94% of consumers aged 18 and above in the US stated that they would be "very likely" to purchase from companies with "excellent CX." This trend was consistent across

different sectors - from banking to purchasing groceries to selecting a streaming service. Furthermore, an exceptional CX can even overcome a negative experience, as 77% of respondents indicated that they would overlook a poor experience if their overall experiences with a business were positive. With this in mind, let's examine some of the latest research on CX strategy and identify what is preventing many businesses from achieving it.

Mistake 1: Flawed data practices

Creating a flawless customer experience requires a thorough understanding of customer needs and the challenges they encounter when interacting with your business.

A report from McKinsey & Co in 2021, highlighted that 93% of CX leaders surveyed in 2019 and 2020 mostly rely on customer satisfaction scores and other feedback based on surveys to evaluate their CX strategy, yet 85% were not content with this method of evaluation. Surveys can be useful, but they also have their limitations. The data collected depends on the people who choose to participate, and it only provides feedback after a transaction has taken place. It does not allow for assessing the customer experience in real-time or making immediate adjustments to meet their needs.

One potential solution is to gather as much data as possible throughout every stage of the customer journey. Every piece of information, such as previous interactions with your company and the items in their shopping cart, can provide insight on how to best interact with the customer. Additionally, depending on the system in place, you can also use AI and machine learning to personalize the customer experience on a larger scale.

Mistake 2: Approaches are too traditional

Great customer experience is characterized by simple, effective, and enjoyable interactions with customers throughout their journey. However, traditional corporate structures can make it challenging to implement comprehensive CX strategies. When different departments have exclusive control over different parts of the customer journey, the end result can be inconsistent and disjointed.

A 2020 report by SurveyMonkey found that companies that adopted a cross-sectional, collaborative approach were 67% more likely to see financial gains during the pandemic. However, transitioning from a department-centric model to a more holistic approach can be difficult, especially without buy-in from all stakeholders.

To improve your CX, start by reviewing your customer journey. Understand the customer experience at each touchpoint and learn about your colleagues' vision for each stage. Identify where different departments intersect and how they can work together to create seamless transitions. Remember that every aspect of the customer journey contributes to the overall impression of your brand and CX. By approaching your role with a holistic lens, you can work with other members of your organization to deliver an exceptional CX.

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Mistake 3: Struggling to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience

Although the shift to e-commerce has accelerated due to the pandemic, in-person experiences are still important in a CX strategy. A 2022 report by CM Group found that 75% of Gen Z consumers shop on their smartphones, but this generation also values in-person shopping experiences. A survey of 1,000 participants found that Gen Z shoppers often preferred in-person shopping more than their Millennial counterparts. Even though they are digital natives, Gen Z consumers still appreciate the value of in-store shopping.

However, companies are still struggling to provide a consistent experience across all channels. A report by London Research and BlueVenn found that only 29% of client-facing companies felt they had established a seamless experience across their digital properties. When asked about their CX strategy, only 9% said they delivered a consistent customer experience at every touchpoint.

These statistics highlight an opportunity for brands to excel in the omnichannel space by committing to a CX strategy that includes both digital and in-person interactions. Brands should not let limited data sets or siloed thinking prevent them from delivering the best possible CX at every step.

How we can help

Customer experience is crucial for businesses of all industries, and the trend is only increasing. A flawless CX requires a thorough understanding of customer needs and challenges, along with real-time data and AI-based personalization. Additionally, a cross-sectional and collaborative approach is necessary for a seamless and consistent customer journey. The above-mentioned mistakes are common obstacles that companies face in their CX strategy.

If you're looking to improve your customer experience, Smoothen can help. As a CX consulting firm, we work with businesses to optimize their customer journey and deliver exceptional customer experiences across all channels. Our team of experts uses data-driven insights and cutting-edge technologies to design and implement personalized CX strategies. With Smoothen, you can rest assured that your customers' needs are met, and your business thrives. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a successful CX strategy.


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